Multidisciplinary Services

Multidisciplinary Services

From integrated multidisciplinary evaluations to co-led social skills groups, our supports are exponentially more effective when we combine the best of what our disciplines offer. Our multidisciplinary services are creative and innovative offerings driven by identified needs, without adherence to established conventions. 

Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Evaluation

Integrated evaluation that includes psychological, academic, occupational, and speech/language 

evaluations. Evaluation will be individualized based on presenting problems provided by caregivers and collaborating professionals. Prior to testing, My Team will collaborate to discuss the most efficient and effective tools needed to assess the current levels of functioning. Following the evaluation, a team meeting will be held to discuss a cohesive plan to address the salient aspects of the child’s development. Summary integrating the evaluations provided as well.

Early Childhood Screening

Multidisciplinary screening of children’s early development. A special education teacher will 

observe the child in their home and/ or classroom. Parents and teachers will be asked to complete symptom report measures regarding the child’s relationships, behavior, emotions, and attention. The team will subsequently meet with the parents to review findings and develop a plan. Early childhood screenings are not meant to be directly evaluative or diagnostic in nature. The evaluators use symptom report measures and clinical judgement to gauge potential areas of concern. While all evaluations reflect an individual’s functioning at one moment in time, this is particularly true during early childhood, when children’s abilities and challenges are less established.

Child Development Screening

A special educator, globally oriented to functioning across areas, observes the child, with areas to focus 

specified by our specialists from different fields. Parents are often asked to complete a questionnaire or two as well. Following the observation, the team meets to develop preliminary ideas about the underlying challenges, and we then meet with the parents to review our impressions and recommendations. A written summary is provided to the parents.

Parent Development Series

Learn about how the different disciplines can improve the quality of life and function for your child inside and outside the home. Gain confidence and support to tackle the most challenging times with your child.

Mommy and Me: My Many Me’s

Through Engaging activities, develop your child’s emerging abilities in speech, motor skills, emotions, problem solving, and early learning skills. This weekly, 12 session group is led by a speech therapist, who will be joined each week by different members of our team. As your child engages in exploring new skills, parents will learn about the areas of child development, developmental expectations, how to promote skills in each area, and potential challenges to be aware of.


Description coming soon…

Parenting Group

Groups designed to support parents through education, shared experiences, and well researched strategies to address specific issues relevant to your child. They provide an opportunity for parents to connect with knowledgeable professionals, as well as other parents and caregivers who are facing similar challenges.

Resilient Readers

Description coming soon…

Social Skills Group

Thoughtfully created groups of children that will address a variety of interpersonal skills and social behaviors. These skills will be taught through fun and engaging activities.


Team Coordination

A specialist will coordinate contact between home, school, and service providers on a regular basis with written summaries provided. The focus is on coordinated approaches and goals, with an emphasis on integrating techniques across the adults in a child’s life.

Parent Development Series

Multidisciplinary parent skills

Description- Renee

Parenting Group

Co-Lead by Behaviorist and Psychologist

Description- Lisa/ Renee

Mommy and Me: My Many Me’s

Multidisciplinary Mommy and Me Group
Through Engaging activities, develop your child’s emerging abilities in speech, motor skills, emotions, problem solving, and early learning skills. This weekly, 12 session group is led by a speech therapist, who will be joined each week by different members of our team. As your child engages in exploring new skills, parents will learn about the areas of child development, developmental expectations, how to promote skills in each area, and potential challenges to be aware of. 


Description- Nicole 

Social Skills Group

Description- Renee

Resilient Readers

Co-led by special education and guidance 
Description- Nicole

Executive Functions Coaching

Description- Nicole

Team Coordination

Multidisciplinary Mommy and Me Group A specialist will coordinate contact between home, school, and service providers on a regular basis with written summaries provided. The focus is on coordinated approaches and goals, with an emphasis on integrating techniques across the adults in a child’s life.